An overview of the major components of the furnace is shown here. Further details are provided throughout other sections of the user manual.
The side cabinet houses a variety of electrical and gas controls for the retort. For details, see Touchscreen Connectivity Issues.
The furnace is controlled through a touchscreen interface. This allows the user to select a cycle and start it. The user may also update the software and download records of previous furnace cycles. For details, see Software Interface.
Parts are sintered in a controlled atmosphere retort. For details, see Section Retort Overview.
Used to power the furnace on or off.
The middle front cover and lower front door provide access to numerous internal components of the furnace. For details, see Cleaning and Maintenance.
The locking casters allow the furnace to be easily moved and locked into position once fully installed.
The furnace cooling vents mounted on top of the furnace ensure effective ventilation of heat emitted by the retort and heating elements.
The back panel, located on the rear of the side cabinet, has several connections as shown in the beginning of this section.
For details, see Installation Requirements.
The exhaust outlet port carries emissions from the furnace and must be vented properly. For details, see Installation Requirements.
The vacuum compartment houses a variety of components required for pressure control and residue and exhaust management. For details, see Cleaning The Binder Trapping System/ Replacing The Filter.